
在視窗右上角輸入「KB3035583」搜尋後如果有出現搜尋結果的話,在該更新項目上按滑鼠右鍵→解除安裝並重新開機。,TheupdateKB3035583enablesadditionalcapabilitiesforWindowsUpdatenotificationsinWindows8.1andWindows7SP1basedontheirown ...,UpdateKB3035583(UpdateinstallsGetWindows10appinWindows8.1andWindows7SP1)renewstheGetWindows10-App.ThisApphelpshelpsusers ...,AccordingtoallthedocumentationthatI'veread,t...

避免強迫下載Windows 10 安裝檔,刪除KB3035583 更新即可解決



The update KB3035583 enables additional capabilities for Windows Update notifications in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 based on their own ...

Optional Windows updates KB3035583, KB3173040 (July 19, 2016)

Update KB3035583 (Update installs Get Windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1) renews the Get Windows 10-App. This App helps helps users ...

How to install KB3035583 update

According to all the documentation that I've read, this update to Get Windows 10 can only be obtained through Windows Update.

KB3035583 Windows update

Unfortunately the KB3035583 is no longer available. You may also check this link for more information regarding Windows 10 update.

Download KB3035583 without using Windows Update?

I went to the KB site, but it seems the only way it is available is through WU. Is there a standalone file I can download? Might it still be on my system ...

為要用戶升級Windows 10 , 微軟重推KB3035583 補丁

最重要的是這是一個強制性前置補丁, 安裝這個補丁後會自動下載“獲取Windows 10” 的程式,有人甚至稱之為“Windows 10下載器”。

Windows 10 Update

1. View installed updates · 2. Locating Windows 10 Update (=KB3035583) · 3. Uninstall Windows 10 Update and restart · 4. Open Windows Update and check for updates.